
Created by Doug 9 years ago
Just thought I would tell you of the most amazing news if you don't already know.
Well Ian and Amanda are getting married in October it's just wonderful news isn't it .We hope you approve,only joking. .
The wedding will take place at Great FostersHotel,such a wonderful venue for everyone,bring it on I say,darling we all wish that you were here with us ,but no doubt that you will be watching over us with your wonderful smile.I will let you know how things are progressing .
Not forgetting our wonderful daughter Cherry who has now been going out with Andy for five years now ,that's amazing as well,she is suffering with a bad back you know what that is like don't you I'm sure she will get better soon because they are going to Barbados soon and will be away on her birthday.
So that's all the news for now and I miss you so much my darling it's hard without you.xxxxxxxxx Doug